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UntitledButtle’s Small Grants provide a personal and fast response to families living in crisis, when there is no one else that can help. By paying for basic items such as a cooker, fridge or bed, our grants offer relief from a critical situation.

Direct support is based on individual need, either to overcome immediate crisis or ensure the best possible chance of a successful education. A grant could be for a bed so a child no longer has to share with a sibling, and has a better night’s sleep to help them concentrate in class. Or to fund a place at boarding school for a 13 year old with alcoholic parents, where they can get the structure and support missing at home.
The challenges facing disadvantaged young people in the UK are enormous. The recession has been particularly difficult for them, where they have suffered disproportionately from a lack of employment opportunities. These young people have in some cases escaped abusive or difficult home lives. In other cases their parents or carers can no long afford for them to live at home. We are particularly concerned about the support that is available for this group of young people.
Give it Away’s funding has been used for families and young people in severe critical need of clothing, bedding, appliances and food supplies in SW London and will support teenagers trying to live independent lives under difficult circumstances.