January 2018
Dear Supporters
Well – 2018 began in January with cheque writing which has to be my favourite pastime!
With all the profits from 10 Arnott Close W4 finally available I was ready to visit 9 charities to support various projects which we had discussed together.
We had lovely occasions at all these donations and as ever I receive such warmth and involvement from them all, it really does make all the hard building work worthwhile. I will be able to follow how these funds are being used which it is so interesting for me and is a big motivating factor for the future!
On this web site you will see the fun we have “giving and receiving” and I have also included some of the wonderful thank you letters I am sent – it means a lot to me.
I am hopeful of finding another project in 2018 and to continuing my support where needed.
With my best wishes,
Charlotte Grobien OBE – Chief Executive