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St Mungos Donation

By February 26, 2018Donations, News, St Mungos

St Mungos

This is the first time Give it Away has made a donation to St Mungo’s and to a project of this nature.

St Mungo’s is a well known Charity involved in homelessness and all the complications that arise as a result. People who have experienced some traumatic life changing situations, very often not of their making need help to rebuild the future.

This project is for a Women’s Steering Group – it will give a voice to women who have suffered violence or domestic abuse, who are homeless or who have mental health issues. By bringing them together to have a voice and to share their stories they have the possibility to change their lives and move forward with confidence.

This donation will fund the cost of these women travelling to group meetings and Charlotte will be meeting with them regularly.

The donation was made in their offices at an all “pink” surprise party – everyone (except Charlotte!) wore pink, ate pink and drank pink! Reta Robinson, Head of Philanthropy received the cheque.

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