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Bonfires, Building Sites and Black Smoke – Hermitage Road Garden Gets Going!

By January 7, 2015January 16th, 2015Hermitage Road Videos, News

We were joined on the Hermitage Road Give It Away site today by Surrey & Hants Trees company who came in force to hack away at our woodland gardens. We agreed with the neighbour of the plots that we would help to demolish structures, used to house cats, that were no longer safe.

This meant she could have a much better use of her garden space that was currently unusable. With so much going on; we chatted with workmen and filmed the action of ‘anger management’ – brute force used to demolish! We are thrilled with the results and can’t wait to see what our landscaper will produce next week.

A panoramic view of the Hermitage Road site including all land and a rear-view of the houses:

Charlotte talks with Surrey & Hants Tree Co. workmen Matthew (right) and Russel (left) about the progress of works on the land:

The view of all land from master bedroom in Walnut House. The plot will be separated into definite plots next week by our landscape gardener:

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