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In summer 2006, Charlotte Grobien, an individual in Putney, decided on making money through building 3 new houses, ALL the profits from which would be given to chosen charities in the London area. All 3 houses have been sold for in excess of £1 million each. The charities include a nursery school for severely disabled children, a children’s hospice, motorised wheelchairs for those who will never walk, sports facilities for blind youngsters, home help aids for terminally ill children, alternative therapy treatments for teenage oncology patients, and training, support and mentoring for disadvantaged teens who are educationally and socially deprived, new facilities for severely autistic children, funds for a new cardiac ward in Great Ormond St Hosptial, support for research into Crohn’s disease, help for a Yoga Centre for special needs children and a donation to Bag Books – sensory reading for children with difficulties.

Charlotte gave away £200,000 in December as the first house sale was completed and this is what the charities she supports had to say:

“Whizz Kidz – move a life forward”
I am delighted to report that we have helped the following children with your initial donation of £22,000:

Millie – a 10 year girl with a spinal cord condition received a Permobil powered sit/stand chair. Cost: £11,500
Amelia – a 5 year old girl with cerebral palsy received a Kimba cross buggy with a special seating system. Cost: £2,600
Ciara – a 9 year old girl with Arnold Chiari Malformation Type 1 will attend a London based Trike Clinic and will receive a customised trike. Cost: £750
Robert – a 10 year old boy with multiple disabilities will attend a London based Trike Clinic and will receive a customised trike. Cost: £750
George – a 10 year old boy with cerebral palsy will receive a powered chair. Cost: £6,400

I hope this helps you as much as you have helped us.

With very best wishes, Ruth Owen, Chief Executive

Thank you for coming in to visit last Friday – I hope it was helpful for you to see the wide range of children (and their families) that we support. When you left, once again it was remarked upon by parents what an amazing woman you are, truly making a difference!

As you know the £50,000 first amount from ‘giveitaway’ was much more than we were expecting! We increased our physio’s hours so ensuring input into two more groups This has also enabled me to be free to do sessions in the warm-water pool twice a week, so 12 of our children are getting ‘hydrotherapy’ sessions as well as a ‘class’ session each week.

Essentially, Charlotte, £50,000 enables 12 families to come to 1 session with us a week for a year, and that’s over a quarter of our children!

Small Steps, School for Parents
Tel: 020 8704 5935
c/o Greenmead School

SKILLTRAIN: How has Charlotte helped our young people?

Skilltrain are a small, Wandsworth based charity specialising in 1:1 and small group projects with disengaged local young people, particularly those who feel unable to interact with their peers or within group environments. These individuals may also have been excluded from school or training or are at serious risk of exclusion.

Example participants include: a teenager that has been in living in long term isolation due to the severity of bullying he has suffered from his peers and a young girl who has come to learn how to control her anger having been in trouble with the police for violence. Through Skilltrain (thanks to Charlotte) young people are developing the tools within themselves to lose their anger, not their temper.

Personal quotes about the projects: “my daughter has been a different person since coming on “Exceeding Expectations” – she’s much less angry & doesn’t go into a rage anymore. She’s started full-time at college & has decided to become a make up artist” (a parent)

These achievements are all thanks to Charlotte and Give It Away: these projects wouldn’t be happening without her. Her energy and enthusiasm have inspired all of us here as well as our clients. She has helped them to feel important and valued again. In their own words they have moved from “being losers to being winners”.

Lucy Gardiner, MD.
020 8871 5104

“REACT” “Giving Depth to short lives”
‘Give it Away is a fantastic project and we are absolutely delighted to have had the opportunity to explain our work to you and we thank you for the donation of £10,000. As discussed, this money will be put to immediate use providing practical assistance to improve the quality of life for children with life limiting illnesses who are being cared for at home in London by families experiencing financial difficulty. For example, Stephan, aged 17 with Muscular Dystrophy and a spinal fusion now has a special remote controlled bed allowing him to turn over at night, thus enabling him and his Mum to get a full night’s sleep. This will have an immediate impact on the quality of their lives’

Vicky Andreas, Director of Client Services,
020 8940 2575

Yes to Life
Give-it-Away’s enormously generous donation has enabled our Help Centre to flourish. Grants averaging £225 each have been made directly to help patients with practitioner appointments, expert advice or complementary and alternative treatments. As a unique charitable service, our Help Centre patients find that these types of treatment, which can crucially affect the progress of their disease, are beyond their means. .

Secondly, Give-it-Away has made it possible to maintain and extend our service to cancer patients at University College Hospital. Yes to Life have a complementary therapist working on the wards helping to alleviate the difficulties that cancer patients face from both the illness and the treatments. With the help of Give-it-Away, we have now been able to commit to a second therapist and to expand our service to include the children’s wards. All in all it has been a fantastic ‘leg-up’ for the charity!

Thanks so much Charlotte
Robin Daly

What some of our supporters say about us:

Yes to Life Registered Charity No 1112812 Wonderful to know you are out there doing such great and inspiring work”

Opening up alternatives for cancer sufferers Dr Rosy Daniel, Health Creation +44 (0) 20 7317 3459

“…very impressed by your originality of thought and determination Dr Michael Dixon, Chairman NHS Alliance, Trustee Prince of Wales Foundation for Integrated Health

“Action for Blind People” are delighted with the two donations you have been kind enough to make to our work: the first £10,000 has been put towards our Tooting based South London Actionnaires club for blind and partially sighted children aged 8-16 Each club needs some £26,000 to establish and run in the first year. Your second donation of £10,000 has been earmarked for our exciting new business incubator which is quite unique. In the past we have supported visually impaired people into both employment and self employment and this project combines the two areas. Thus blind and partially sighted people are able to transform their lives through work, housing, leisure and support.

Finally may I take this opportunity to reiterate my thanks for your support – it is only with help like this that we can continue to grow and make a real difference to the life chances of visually impaired people and their families. I see this as a social entrepreneur supporting social enterprise.

Harry Meade
Action for Blind People
Tel: 020 7635 4885

GIVE IT AWAY and Fairbridge in London: The story so far
Thanks to support from Give It Away, six young people from the London Borough of Wandsworth have been able to access a programme of personal and social development at Fairbridge since September 2006. Most of these young people were having difficulties in school or were not engaging at all. In some cases, abuse and self harm were holding them back from fulfilling their potential.

Give It Away’s support has been priceless, and in addition to helping the six young people above, it will continue over the coming year to provide another 9 young people from Wandsworth with the opportunity to turn their lives and around and move towards a positive future with Fairbridge.

Beth Bollito
020 7582 9695
Unit 15 Canterbury Court, 1-3 Brixton Rd,
London SW9 6DE

Give it Away has also made a donation to the Shooting Stars Hospice for Children, Shaftesbury and Arethusa children’s homes and will be supporting a research programme at St George’s Tooting into Crohn’s disease.

The second “Give Away” of £450,000 took place in Spring of 2007

“Giving and Receiving” at Yes to Life – 20th June 2007.

Charlotte with Robin Daly who has asked her to be a patron of his Charity

Another “pink envelope” moment as Whizz-Kidz receive another large cheque on June 12th. Ruth Owen, Chief Executive, receiving.

June 18th – Charles Denton, Chief Exective of Great Ormond St Charity receives a surprise watched by Gary Linneker!

Jo Manuel and Charlotte at the SpecialYoga Centre with the “pink envelope” and all the children- June 2nd

Lee Willows, Regional Manager, Fairbridge, London sees his “pink envelope” on June 1st!

The Children at the Treehouse Trust for Autism take control of this “pink envelope!” July 26th.

Harry Meade, Action for the Blind and Charlotte in sporty mode at an Actionnnaires Club for partially sighted and blind children in West LondonJune 30th

On June 27th Give it Away hosted a party for all the Charities and made it a “pink envelope” moment for bag Books! Chris Fuller and Charlotte

Jack at Small Steps was very happy with his very large second cheque on May 17th which is why he is smiling so beautifully!

With Professor John Hermon-Taylor at St George’s Hospital supporting the reasearch project into Crohn’s disease. April 30th

After the “pink envelope” Charlotte was give a picture by Vicky Andreas at React of little Luke who is revceiving on-going support. May 15th

At Polka Theatre, Wimbledon there was a “surprise” moment for John Lloyd, artistic director watched by Paul Windsor as he receives the “pink envelope” on stage!

May 12th

One of our first donations – writing a cheque to Skilltrain in December 2006, Lucy Gardiner MD and Charlotte have “lunch!”

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